Thursday, October 31, 2019

Set Induction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Set Induction - Essay Example The set should be clear enough for the students to know what is expected of them. It should also help them have an idea of what to expect from their instructor. A good set should also help create motivation among learners. This motivation will help enhance clarity and enable students to be fully engaged in the whole learning process (Schuck, 227). Proper set induction by course instructors is necessary for creating interest in and understanding of a new subject among students. I attended an in-depth science class to assess the impact of set induction on students. The lecturer just went straight for the lecture notes once the lesson began. There was no introduction to the lesson; therefore there was nothing to grip the attention of the students. The lecturer used power-point presentations for his notes, which were all in the class text books. I thought that set induction to the subject was lacking. The lecturer did nothing to introduce the students to the new concept of the lesson, and yet this is a science class in which students need to understand the concept from the beginning. The lecturer did not welcome the students, and I sensed some indifference in the way he started the lecture without settling the students down. This sense of indifference was also obvious among the students who lost attention during the early stages of the lesson. Some of them turned to other activities that were not related at all to what they were learning, like sending emails and messages on their phones. I think that the way the lecturer started his lecture was not the right way to go about any learning process. He should have used a simple set induction to get the students ready for whatever he was going to teach them. I think the students turned to other activities other than paying attention to what the lecturer was saying due to the fact that they did not understand anything he said. The lack of attention could also be attributed to the fact that the instructor used

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Taxation in the U. S. Essay Example for Free

Taxation in the U. S. Essay Taxation is one of the ways through which governments collect revenues to fund different operations important for their functioning. The tax is obtained from several income sources including personal income tax, national sales tax, Social Security payroll tax, Capital gains taxes. Canadian has high levels of taxation, and conservatives are advancing proposals for a flat or single-rate tax. The Dick Armey plan of tax reform. in the U. S. tax system, intends to scrap virtually all current deductions, credits, exclusions and exemptions, as well as the five current tax brackets and in their place establish a single 17 percent tax rate on a much broader tax base. Under the current tax system, more than one-half of all personal income goes untaxed because of various deductions, exclusions and exemptions. For business a 17 Percent tax base would consist of total receipts less cash wages and purchases of goods, services and materials used in business, as well as all capital equipment. It would eliminate the inequities of the current system, promote growth and improve fairness and simplicity. To me Dick Army tax plan is a noble idea that will create the revenues, bring uniformity and broaden the tax bracket. The Universal service is more concerned with issues of improving the U. S national security preventing the permanent threat of terrorism and closes the growing social and political differences between servicemen and civilians that began with loopholes in the Vietnam draft. But this has not yet been achieved for the fact that, the news media has problems covering the military operations because there are so few journalists with military experience. Today, we would include specialties such as emergency medical service, firefighting, communication and civil defense to the training so as to improve the Civil-Military Gap. The gap goes far beyond a simple reporter-source conflict to a rift between military and civilian society. Very few journalists today have served in the military. The old thought that a good reporter is good anywhere doesnt apply in the complexities of the modern world. Its hard to make sense of an operation if you think a Navy captain and an Army captain have the same rank. To avoid these news organizations will make their best efforts to assign experienced journalists to combat operations and to make them familiar with U. S. military operations. That means special training. The preparation of the U. S. military to fight a sustained war against terrorism is encouraging. To conclude news organization must to employ journalists with expertise in military operations and this will keep the civilians well informed. The issue of immigration is putting the government on pressure since the Hispanics who are 31million have moved to cities and strained local governments trying to serve long-time residents. Since the Hispanic are none English speaking, the police department struggle to find Spanish-speaking officers is a positive step towards ensuring equity and justice prevails in the in major metropolitan areas particularly in the West and South where states are grappling with over-crowding . The nations non-Hispanic white population, now the largest, is expected to grow the slowest in the next 30 years, while the Hispanic population will represent 44 percent of the 72 million additional people in the U. S. this is expected to overstretch the learning facilities with half of the students who dont speak English, this means that the school curriculum may require reforms to accommodate the huge number of students joining them. An influx of immigrants is blamed for job losses and higher housing costs. My feeling is that city councils must plan very fast so as to provide the required services to the residents. Reference http://www. ncpa. org/ba/ba136. html http://www. ncpa. org/pd/immigrat/effects. html http://www. ncpa. org/iss/nat/pd102601f. html

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Supply and Demand of Labor in the US

Supply and Demand of Labor in the US Melanie Canady I choose to do my research paper on the supply and demand of labor in the United States. I will attempt to illustrate the change in supply and demand in the labor market over the last 10 years. I will also explore the different effects and share many views on how this has played a significate role on the economy in the United States. Supply and Demand is categorized as the forces that make the economy work. The supply of labor is defined as the number of workers who are willing and able to work. The labor demand is the number of employers who are willing and able to hire those workers. Supply and demand of labor differs based on the jobs or occupations that are available. Over the last 10 years the supply and demand of labor in the United States has dropped significantly, while other countries has increased, this is because US based companies are moving jobs or operation overseas, because of different types of incentives that they are taking advantage of in order to make their busine ss more profitable. Since 2000 the labor market has been declining, therefore causing increasing poverty in the United States. This is because of our weak and unequal labor market which began before the great recession. This rising inequality is because of the declining average earnings and the number of workers with the below average wages have grown over the years. There have been many groups affected by this inequality, but one group that has the greatest impact is less educated men. We have seen that this group has experienced a decline in their earnings in the past decade. Because of this it has reduced the income in their families and therefore caused much higher poverty numbers. Why has this happened? First of all today’s labor market puts a greater premium on workers education levels and skills than it did a generation ago (Holzer). With the growing technology advancements in our economy it has reduced the demand for the less skilled workers especially in production workers in the factori es. The supply of well educated workers has not kept up with the growing demand. There has been a gap in the percentage of young people earning some kind of college education. Many years back when factory work in the United States was in high demand, there was jobs available and they paid a decent salary. Obtaining a college education was the last thing that was thought of. As companies moved away to other countries, we all experienced a decline in earnings because we had to accept jobs that was available, and without some kind of college education the jobs were a few to none. We can see that the well-paying production and clerical jobs are going away, therefore making the way for jobs requiring some technical training or work experience. In order to improve the labor market we need to improve our education and work-force system and to develop a skilled workforce. This will help to eliminate the high levels of poverty and inequality in the United States. The United States must continuously improve the workforce to be able to compete with other nations. We need to develop a strong workforce and employers need to be able to offer a good pay scale. The demand of labor had decreased in the United States because business value short term profits over making the workforce more efficient. The federal government must address the unemployment and underemployment that we have facing in the United States and to realize that the United States is stuck in the worse economic and social crisis since the Great Depression. It is clear that the labor market had failed to generate enough jobs to support the growth. The demand of labor is just like any like any other goods or service, it can be classified as both supply and demand. Labor is considered to be elastic if the wage increase causes a decline in the rate of employment and it is inelastic if the employers do not decrease employment to respond to the wage increase. If the supply of labor becomes more limited, especially with highly skilled workers, the cost of employing these workers rises. The labor in these skilled jobs may become less elastic, because these jobs cannot be easily filled. The demand of labor is declining in the United States because employers are becoming more focused on profits than investing in the workers. The labor market failure is a result of our government not asking the United States corporations or their leader to help build the productivity in American instead they are providing benefits for them move to other countries or off shore. For a business in the United States it make economic sense for them to close a plant or a business and send jobs offshore where they will perform more efficiently and at a lower cost. They will not invest in the workers in the United States to make them more efficient in supplying the up to date equipment or providing training that will lead to accomplish the goal of the business. America has a two dimensional job crisis: a persistent deficit in the number of jobs that are being created and an insufficient percentage of high quality job. (Kochan) One of the job crisis that the United States economy faced was that they needed 7 million jobs to get back to the levels that was reported before the great depression and another 5 million to account for the growth in the same time period. The President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness estimates that there will be a need for 20 million jobs by the year 2020. With these number the United States economy has never created jobs at this rate, therefore setting America up for a serious job deficit for the rest of this decade. The second job crisis that was evidential was that employment benefits represented a key to job quality. Going back to at least World War II, the United States workforce relied on the business to providing health care and retirement benefits. Since the 1980’s this benefit had been shrinking. Employer-provided benefits has been proven to be a play big factor in the workforce in the United States for decades. This benefits gives an employee job satisfaction. In lieu of the employer provided benefits such as health care, pension plans and 401k plans declining, the workers are reporting that they are not satisfied with their jobs anymore. Being provided these benefits has proven to be a piece that has given workers the motivation to perform their jobs at the highest level. That is being proficient and efficient that exceed the level that the business is asking for to be able to achieve the goals of the company. To be able to create 20 million high quality jobs in the United States by year 2020 we must pull together business, labor and government representatives to develop a plan of action. This group needs to determine which issues should be tackled first and what resources will be required. First they should determine what to do to jump start job growth, with this determination it will prevent the jobs and economic crisis from worsening. Another discussion that would be of interest would be to find a way to recapture the lost manufacturing. Some manufacturing jobs could be recaptured if businesses would take into account the total cost of producing goods offshore and shipping back to the United States. The HBS summit should make a proposal on what should be done to bring home millions of jobs over the next several years. Many business that moved jobs offshore came under attack by many because it seem to be a slap in the face for many that lost their jobs to other countries. This caused the government to establish programs that helped the American people to overcome some of the obstacles that they faced with losing their jobs. The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) is the primary Federal program that supports workforce development (Congressional Digest). This program provides education and training services for people that has lost their jobs because of layoffs or the closing of a business. This program also will help prepare a person for the next chapter in their lives by allowing them improve their skills and prepare them for skilled jobs by providing them with secondary and postsecondary education, on the job and employer-provided training. It also will provide funding for on the job training and employment services. This means that they will pay for the persons training to a company that will potentially hire them for a position. The Federal government provides workforce development activities through WIA’s programs and other programs designed to increase the employment and earning of workers (Congressional Digest). The programs that are offered are job search assistance, career counseling, occupational skill training, classroom training or on-the-job training (Congressional Digest). The WIA programs are funded through the state and federal and it administer by the U.S. Department of Labor and is available to unemployed or under employed individuals. In 2012 the programs funds was $4.9 billion dollars, this included $2.6 billion for state grants that was obtained for young, adult and dislocated worker training. WIA Title 1 programs provide employment and training services and also a One-Stop system. This system is required by each state and includes a core service and access to an intensive training service, provide programs and activities that are carried out by a One-Stop partner, and provide access to all labor market information, job search, placement, recruitment and labor exchange services that are authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act. Each state is required to have a One-Stop center that is accessible either remotely or electronically. In order to fill the gap, businesses needs to find a way to attract and help develop a skilled workforce for today’s labor market. Although there are programs in place to assist and help to develop these skills, businesses should also help. If businesses would get involved it will show that they are committed to helping with the job shortage and skills development. Although community colleges offer vocational programs to fill specific jobs, if the businesses would work with the college to develop programs that is specific to their business it would help them obtain a better workforce. This year there will be about $450 million in grants available to help promote and develop a skilled workforce this year. We are in an economy that simply needs to create and get more jobs. The lack of job growth is killing the United States. We are encouraging the young people to go to college and to get their education, but they are graduating and not able to find work. This is because there is a no jobs to offer them after graduation. The United States government should stop and take a look at what is in the United States instead of looking abroad. There is a Work Cited Kochan, Thomas A. A Jobs Compact For Americas Future. Harvard Business Review 90.3 (2012): 64-72. Business Source Complete. Web. 1 Nov. 2014 Workforce Investment Act Overview. Congressional Digest 93.3 (2014): 2. MAS Complete. Web. 1 Nov. 2014. HOLZER, HARRY J. Upgrading Skills, Upgrading Opportunity. American Prospect 23.6 (2012): 26. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 1 Nov. 2014 HIGGS, ROBERT. Worrisome Changes In U.S. Labor Force And Employment Since 2007. Independent Review 18.3 (2014): 471. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 1 Nov. 2014 Bridging The Skills Gap. Smart Business Pittsburgh 21.4 (2014): 20. Business Source Complete. Web. 2 Nov. 2014. Mankiw, Gregory. â€Å"Principals of Microeconomics† How Market Works Seventh Edition Chapter 4

Friday, October 25, 2019

Erosion of Shorelines Essay -- Nature Environment Papers

Erosion of Shorelines The erosion of shorelines is a natural process that can have beneficial or adverse impacts on the creation and maintenance of habitats. Sands and gravels eroded from the shores of coastal bays maintain the beach as a natural barrier between the open water and coastal wetlands. Beaches move back and forth onshore, offshore and along shore with changing wave conditions. The finer-grained silts and clays derived from the erosion of shorelines are sorted and carried as far as the waters of wetlands or tidal flats, where benefits are derived from addition of the new material. However, excessively high sediment loads can smother submerged aquatic vegetation beds, cover shellfish beds and tidal flats, fill in riffle pools, and contribute to increased levels of turbidity and nutrients ( Longshore drift is the movement of sand parallel to the shoreline, in the â€Å"along-the-shore† direction (H. Nepf). Longshore drift is caused by the water waves breaking against the shore. As the waves break, they thrust water forward, creating movement of water in the direction the wave is traveling. If a wave approaches a beach at an angle, the forward rush of water is directed partially parallel and partially perpendicular to the shore. The parallel component of motion creates the longshore current, a steady movement of water parallel to the shoreline, that carries sand and contributes to the longshore drift. The longshore current is confined to the region where the waves break, called the surf zone (the frothy, white water created by the breaking waves). In regions of strong wave activity the longshore drift steadily carries sand away, eroding the coast. In... ...tions are poor or where little penetration is possible, a gravity-type structure such as a stone revetment may be preferable. However, all vertical protective structures (revetments, seawalls and bulkheads) built on sites with soft or unconsolidated bottom materials can experience scouring as incoming waves are reflected off the structures ( Shoreline erosion is a problem widely attributed to by commercial and residential development. Many methods can be used to prevent erosion and promote sand accumulation. However, most man-made structures are simply made to protect buildings and surrounding land, not the entire beach. Some believe beachfront homeowners should move their houses or simply move. Whatever the decision, erosion is a natural process and will continue whether a house exists in its path or not.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cochlear Implant RST

It doesn't change them it just makes their smile brighter. People get haircuts to express who they are, or who they want to be, but it doesn't change who the eye actually are, it just makes them kick the way they want to. The same thing goes for a cochlea r implant. It enhances the possibilities of hearing for a deaf person, but it will never change e who they are because they will always be deaf. That's why deaf people should get cochlear I implants because they will not change their identity.In the movie Sound and Fury a young girl's parents restrain her from getting a cochlear implant in the fear that it will change her identity in the deaf world. There is al so a young boy whose parents are judged and tormented for deciding to implant him with a c cochlear implant. Both families want their children to play a role in the deaf community, but boot h families are told that with a cochlear implant, that could never happen. The parents of the you Eng girl are introduced to another youn g girl who was implanted to see if it was really right t for their daughter.The young girl was so accustomed to hearing that she didn't sign a ND she spoke clearly. It was clear that the little girl most likely wasn't aware she was even deaf. This upset the parents ND pretty much made their decision for them; they would never implant thee r child. Ironically six years later the daughter, along with her siblings and her own mother get t he implants and say how much their lives have improved. They said it made their daughters life EAI sire and they regretted not doing it when she was younger.And of course the girls role in the e deaf community did not change, but she gained a spot in the hearing world as well, which is w hat a cochlear implant really does. Now on the other side of that family, a deaf child is born and his parent s decide to implant IM, but receive a lot of hate from the deaf community. Part of the fact of so much resentment towards the device is that around the time t he film â€Å"Sound and Fury† was ma De, the cochlear implants were just being introduced and it really offended the deaf community y that someone made something to fix deafness.It made them feel as if people thought Of De apneas as a disability. They wondered why anyone would want to change themselves fro m being deaf and being part of such a wonderful community. The mother of the daughter who was the mother of the deaf child even called her own daughter â€Å"a lousy daughter†. In reality the mother wasn't implanting his son because she wanted to rebel against her parents, it was be cause she knew that although deafness is not a disability it is also not an enhancement to your life.She knew that her boy would have many more opportunities in life if he could hear, and although h that sounds like it's shaming deafness, it isn't. No matter whether you implant your child or give e him a hearing aid, it will never change them, just help them reach their potential easier. In the article Letting the deaf Be Deaf: Reconsidering the use of cochlear implants in prevailingly deaf children t expresses the difference between a hearing parent deciding whether or not to get their child implanted and a deaf parent deciding whether or not to get their child implanted.The choice is easy for a hearing parent because deciding if they WA NT the baby to hear is basically just saying let it be like us. While a deaf parent is the exact opposite. Deaf parents are the ones that have to make the decision to change their baby's life, by making them hearing, different than themselves. ‘T he cochlear implant is intended to help the deaf child ultimately learn an oral language and, in so doing, to facilitate the assimilation of the IM Lansing child into the mainstream hearing culture† (Crouch).While this statement is correct , the implant doesn't have to completely destroy deaf culture for the child. The child should still be taught sign language, and be introduc ed to people in the deaf community. If it is so import tan for the parents that their child be part of the deaf community, while still being in the hearing world, they will put in the effort. Sound and Fury; or, Much Ado about Nothing? Cochlear Implants in Historical Perspective it states â€Å"Cochlear implants are only the latest example of medical interventions promising to cure deafness† (Edwards).This statement itself is a brief summary of why the deaf community was so resentful towards the device in the first place . When hearing people say that there is a cure for deafness, it obviously upsets deaf people. T hey don't view themselves as having a disease, and they really don't have one, but as soon as someone from the hearing world challenges that opinion, all hell breaks loose. The deaf common tit could have just rejected the idea of the cochlear implants all together, but once people under stood it wasn't a cure, just additional help, they started to accept it. When d eaf people heard the e word cure, they panicked.They worried there would be no more deaf culture, and that the De oaf community would die off. Cure meant change to them, that everything in their lives would change e, which is why some people think the implants will change their identity. But that will never h append because no matter what, you will always be deaf. If you get hearing aids, once you take the me off you're no longer capable of hearing. The same thing goes for the implant. The implant it self is not capable of wiping out a culture, it is the responsibility of the parents of the deaf child n to keep the culture and the community alive.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Post War Europe Essay

The World War II refers to the global conflict that took place between 1939 to 1945. Also referred to as the Second World War, the conflict involved many nations, especially the great powers. The conflict had two opposing military alliances, the Axis and the Allies (Hakim, p 8). This war has been considered as one of the most spread war in the world history since it involved the mobilization of more than 100 million military personnel. The Allies alliance during the war was made up of countries that opposed the Axis powers. The Big Three† or the three major nations that led the Allied Alliance were the United States of America, Britain, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. Other nations that were part of the Allied Alliance included China, France, Poland, Australia, Canada, and South Africa. The Axis Alliance opposed the Allies, and it was led by three major Axis powers. These powers were; Germany, Italy and Japan. These three countries in September 1940 had signed a Tripartite Pact upon which the Axis Alliance was founded. Other nations that were part of the Axis Alliance included; Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Some the Axis co- belligerents included; Finland, India, Vietnam, and Iraq. The state of total war as a result of this conflict had the major nations that were involved use their scientific, industrial, and economic capabilities in order to develop weapons or plan military strategies that would maximize their probability of winning the war (Russell, p 15). It is estimated that over 70 million people were killed, with the majority being civilians. This made the war one of the deadliest human conflict to ever occur. The war began in 1939, and was triggered by the Germany’s invasion of Poland. This later led to the France, United Kingdom, and the United States declaration of war on Germany. Some of the well known events that occurred during the Second World War include; the Operation Barbararossa, Pearl Harbour attack and the Marco Polo Bridge incident. The war ended in 1945 and had the United States and the Soviet Union turn out to be the superpowers. The World War II broke out in Europe after Hitler led the Axis Alliance by first invading Poland. There were several major effects of Second World II on Germany and Europe.  In this paper, these effects will be discussed. Major effects of World War II in Germany Germany was one of the leading nations in the Axis Alliance against the Allies during the Second World War. Germany is considered to have developed some of the most sophisticated and most destructive weapons during the war. Together with the cost of military operations, Germany used a great amount of its finances to develop weapons for use during the war. The Nazi Germany which was led by Adolf Hitler invested great amounts of financial resources to cater for the costs of the war. In 1936, Adolph Hitler in his efforts to purchase war materials at low prices imposed price controls on the Germany people. Rationing later followed in 1939. Price controls that were put on food led to food shortages during the war. This led to the people growing their food and doing barter trade with their personal belongings for food. Compensation trade was born during the war; as a result of the wide spread barter trade. Due to the business to business transactions, many business firms hired a person who could barter a firms’ output. The barter trade was inefficient compared to the direct purchase of commodities and services using money. According to a Germany economist Walter Eucken self- sufficiency and barter trade were incompatible. Due to an extensive labor division, Germans’ economic system had been â€Å"reduced to a primitive condition† (Harlett 1978, p. 34). The Germany economy after the war was in shambles. In the housing sector, Adolph- Hitler scorched – earth policy together with the war had affected about 20 per cent of the housing. Germanys’ economic hardship had the food production per capita from 1938 to 1947 reduce by 51 per cent. In addition, the occupying powers had set the food ration between 1040 and 1550 calories per day. As compared to the industrial out put in 1938, Germanys’ out put in 1947 was only a third of the 1938 industrial output. Due to the death of a large number of working -age men during the war, Germany had inadequate labor. The economic hardship had triggered the Germany government to put in place measures that would rejuvenate the country’s’ economy. The government eliminated the price controls that were initially there, while the currency was reformed. This occurred in 1948. Later in 1948 and1949, there was reduction of the marginal tax rates. These measures saw the Germanys’ economy grow rapidly 20 years after the World War II. Germany’s economic problems can also be attributed to the World War I effects. Before the World War I, the German Empire had a prosperous economy. However,after the war,Germany’s economic prosperity was considered to have been ruined by treaties such as the 1919 Treaty of Versallies. The signing of the treaties by Germany together with the World War I effects led to great inflation in the early 1920s. Though Germany’s economy improved after the First World War, the economic problems that characterized this period to some extent came to affect Germany’s economy after the World War II. The first several years in Germany after the World War II were of great economic problems. This resulted from the destruction of property, land, and homes during the war (Klopstock, p 285). Furthermore, many Germans fled from their homes during the war, a situation that made working almost impossible. This reduced the economic productivity of the nation, whose negative effects after the war became evident. In addition to this, the industrial and agricultural production had drastically reduced in Germany. Many millions of people lacked food and clothing as the inflation raged in Germany. Food shortage had become severe and â€Å"each day, and particularly on weekends, vast hordes of people trekked out to the country to barter food from the farmers†(Wallich, p 65). Despite the economic problems that the Germans were experiencing, the political leaders were able to exploit the situation in order to build a very strong economy in future. The economic problems encouraged the German political leaders to focus on the future plans of reviving Germany’s economy. The leaders saw a new beginning in the ruined economy, where the economy was viewed as an instrument of prosperity. The need to have a prosperous economy would then assist the Germans to have a stable society, as well as to safeguard democracy. The leaders sought both the economic prosperity and social peace. A prosperous economy would also make sure that there was equal opportunity for all the German citizens so that eruption of a revolution would be prevented when bitter frustration of the underprivileged social groups was avoided. The reviving of the German economy and â€Å"economic system that had been reduced to a primitive condition† (Hazlett, p 34) due to the economic problems experienced as a result of the World War II became important. The economy was revived through the efforts of some Germans’ post war leaders such as Ludwig Erhard. The currency reforms that were introduced through the efforts of Erhard led to the abolition of the Reichmark and the Deutsche mark introduction. The installation of the new currency began in 1948 led to economic success. Furthermore, Erhard abolished the Nazi and the occupation regulations and rules. This was the beginning of a prosperous and free economy in Germany, which in turn established the foundation of a growing West Germany economy. Apart from the economic problems experienced in Germany, another major effect of the World War II(WWII) in Germany was the division of Germany into two (East and West Germany) for about 40 years. The division occurred in 1949 and ended on October 1990 to reunite the two sides. The three Allied Zones of Occupation were brought together to form West Germany. These three zones were those that were held by France, United Kingdom, and the United States. The two special territories in German’s two states were Berlin and the Saarland. Since the West was democratically organized, it considered itself to have exclusive mandate for all of Germany. The Yalta Conference that was held by the Soviet Union, United States, and the United Kingdom leaders aimed as paving the way forward for future arrangements with the Europe after the World War II. It was during the conference that the leaders decided to split Germany into four occupation Zones. These Zones included; the French Zone, American Zone, British Zone, and the Soviet Zone. West Germany was formed in 1949 and comprised of the Western Allied Zones. The Soviet Zones formed the East Germany, which was also referred to as the Germany Democratic Republic. The West Germany economy grew so rapidly due to the economic aid from the United States and also the Marshall Plan. But more importantly, the currency reforms that were introduced in West Germany strengthened the economy. Both the East and West Germany had mutual recognition of each other and the relation between the two was normalized by treaties such as the Treaty of Warsaw(1970),Basic Treaty(1972) and the Treaty of Moscow(1970). West Germany became cosmopolitan due to the western culture influences while East Germany was conservative. The East Germany adhered to the socialist ideologies, where there was less freedom as compared to West Germany. In addition, the West Germany government was more decentralized and East Germany had a government based on the Communist ideaologies. The reunification of the East and West Germany occurred on 3 October 1990 to form the Federal Republic of Germany, which is the current Germany. The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1961 to separate the two regions, but it was destroyed in 1989 after the reunification of East and West Germany. The third major effect of the World War II on Germany was the great advancement in technology. This resulted from German’s great technological ability to develop and use highly sophisticated and powerful weapons and industrial technology. Germany is considered to have developed and used some of the most powerful and sophisticated weapons during the World War II. For instance, Germany managed to develop powerful anti-aircraft weaponry, aircraft bombers, bombs, guns, rifles, and chemical weapons. The jet aircrafts which had been developed late during the war were advanced after the World War II. The Navy advancements during the World War II paved way for more technological development in the naval field. The German designs such as the Type VII submarine were used during the World War II, and the technology was later used after the war for greater advancement. For instance, after the division of Germany into West and East Germany, some of the German’s intellectual privileges that were of industrial advantage. The Allies who had control over West Germany confiscated Germans’ intellectual privileges and used them for their own companies. This led to rapid growth in industrialization due to the technology that had been developed by the Germans. Major Effects of World War II on Europe The World War II had so many countries involved, with the majority being from Europe. Examples of European countries that took part in the war included the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, and Poland. These countries and Europe as a continent experienced some major effects of the World War II. One major effect of the World War II on Europe was economic problems. The World War II had demanded that nations that were involved in the conflict invest their scientific, industrial, and economic capabilities. This required huge amounts of financial resources. Before the war, many European nations had very strong economic abilities. The nations’ economic and population advantage was very essential for success in the war. In addition, the European nations that had major industrial and financial developments included Germany, United Kingdom, and France. Industrial development that had spread across Europe before the war had contributed to great economic development in the European nations. The Industrial Revolution had led to rapid economic growth, which put the European nations at a good position to compete with the United States of America which was then an economic might. The World War II led to the destruction of Europe’s industrial centers and this affected negatively the high production of products or commodities that would be sold to increase economic growth in Europe (Tucker, p 771). The European infrastructure that was greatly destroyed made it hard for the citizens to undertake activities that would contribute to the economic growth. The European countries during the war had continued to increase their spending on developing and producing military weapons. There was construction of strategic road network by some European nations with the aim of increasing their probability of winning the war. The need for synthetic rubber and oil from coal to use during the war promoted great financial investments by the European nations. For instance, Britain’s’ economy was harnessed to the World War II efforts. The destruction of Europe’s infrastructure led to economic problems. The damage of the road and rail networks during the war made it very difficult for the European nations after to move the essential goods from one place to another. The economy was exhausted, a good example being Britain’s economy. For the European countries that were involved in the World War, their economies experienced severe inflation. Though rationing and luxury goods absence in Europe before the war had encouraged people to save, the people were unable to spend their savings since there were no commodities to purchase as would be preferred. The economic hardships in Europe made some European countries to borrow heavily from other nations with a strong economy such as the United States. The economic hiccups in Europe were later followed by economic recovery, where the currency reforms â€Å"quickly reestablished money as the preferred medium of exchange and monetary incentives as the prime mover of economic activity† (Heller, p 215). Another major effect of the World War II on Europe was environmental destruction. The World War II resulted to great environmental destruction. In many cases, any warfare or military conflict has very devastating effects on Europe’s natural environment. Improvements in technology during the war led to the invention of military weapons that were very destructive to the human life as well as the natural ecosystems. For example, the use of powerful and sophisticated bombs in the war destroyed animal and plant life. Furthermore, new chemical components that made up the weapons were released into the environment. This affected the soil fertility and composition, and this made it impossible for land to regain its fertility. The chemical components released from the explosives used in the war made it impossible for some arable land to be productive again. Many parts of Europe that acted as military grounds experienced great environmental degradation. The technological advancements during the World War II were incompatible with environmental preservation. War can never be compatible with the preservation and conservation of the natural environment. The environmental degradation that was occurring during the war was not a bother to the parties that were involved in the war. The military operations, destruction of natural vegetation to build communication lines and roads, and artillery shelling destroyed the environment. The new and effective ways military strategies that were used by the different nations’ forces to attack the enemies or defending themselves from the enemies increased environmental destruction. Long after the war ended, Europe’s natural environment has not yet recovered from the destruction it experienced during the war. In the era of technological advancement and industrialization, environmental issues seemed to cause very little concern in Europe, hence the effects of the war have proved that the war through technological advancement had become a great environmental threat. The increased use of chemical weapons resulted to long-lived negative effects on the environment. The waste disposal practices during and after the war in Europe resulted to â€Å"significant contamination of soils and ground water with high explosives† (Pennington et al, p 163). For example, the use of high explosives has made the recovery of the environment from destruction in Europe almost impossible. Consequently, the environment has become a health hazard to the people with the land mines that are still trapped in the soil/lands making some parts of the Europe land inhabitable. The areas were turned into waste land. Great technological advancements were another major effect of the World War II was witnessed in Europe. These changes that were witnessed were as a result of the nations that took part in the war struggle to invent and use better and powerful military weapons than their rivals. The technological development during and after the First World War promoted more advancements after the World War I . This is because, the improvements made after the World War II were an improvement on those that had earlier been invented. The inventions were considered as very critical when it came to winning the war, and this promoted technological inventions that were very instrumental to the economic development of many European nations after the war. The use of radio’s and electricity became possible due to the technological development witnessed during the wars. Research that had been intensively done by the Allies and the Axis with the aim of outdoing each other’s weapons became very important to more inventions after the war. The technological innovations of the war paved way for the naval technological development witnessed up to date. For instance, the introduction of aircraft receivers and radio communication systems during the war led to more development in naval industry long after the war. The technological advancement became a very vital requirement for survival during the war no doubt led to greater inventions after the war in Europe. Conclusion The World War II has been considered as one of the most devastating conflict to ever occur. This is due to the high number of people who were killed during the war. The various nations that were involved in the conflict invested greatly to the war efforts through finances and scientific inventions. Germany was one of the major players in the conflict and it proved to have great ability to develop and use powerful weapons against its enemies. The major effects of the war were both positive and negative. While some effects have been devastating to the people and the natural environment, others have brought about development in various fields of economic growth